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YouTube is currently processing the last stream message

When starting a stream using the YouTube Live Stream Now destination, a message may appear stating that:
"YouTube is currently processing the last stream."
This message is due to the fact that only one Stream Now can be running at any time, and while YouTube is processing a previous stream, no new streams can be started. Usually this error will resolve itself within a few minutes.
However, in some instances, a previous stream may never complete processing. If you find this error still persists, you may need to login to the YouTube web site and check for any live stream videos still processing in the Creator Studio and manually delete these.
If you do not see any currently processing live streams from your YouTube account, then you can create a new YouTube Live Stream Now stream manually which should help in resetting this error.
Alternatively, you can use the new YouTube Studio interface to create a new regular YouTube Stream. Please see instructions below:

Last Updated: Friday, January 17, 2025 2:07:00 PM